Welcome to Hawke’s Bay Astronomical Society

The HBAS is an active club with a strong membership base. Discussions at our meetings are lively and cover everything from the oldest origins of the universe, to the latest data from unmanned probes in the far reaches of the solar system.

Our monthly meetings are held at the Hawke’s Bay Holt Planetarium in the grounds of Napier Boys’ High School, off Chambers Street, Napier (map). These take place at 7:00 PM on the second Wednesday of every month.

A range of equipment is owned by the club, including a 6 inch refractor, 80mm Vixen refractor with solar filter, eight inch table top Schmidt Cassegrain and a lovely hand made 16 inch reflector. These instruments are complimented by personal equipment owned by the members themselves.

We are currently working to establish a dark-sky observatory in the hills west of Napier. Once operational, Pukerangi will host three telescopes and eventually, an astrograph for photographic purposes. Go to the Pukerangi page to read some exciting news about our new observatory.

Membership subs (now due for payment as of May 2024) & donations can be made via internet banking through Westpac – HB Astronomical Society Inc 03-0698-0025233-00. Please include your name as reference. All donations of $5 or more are tax deductible. Download the membership form here.

Membership categories are:

Student/Unwaged $10   *   Adult $20   *   Family $40